check out our program for parents
Preview Parent Membership
What's included?
Private FB Group: Mom's Corner
Access to private podcast
Dr. Hanson's Guide to Developmental Milestones via CMB app
Dr. Hanson's Facts on Wellness
Mom's Corner
Mom's Corner was created to bring like-minded moms together. Most moms like to talk about how it takes a village to raise a child. This is your village. Not only do we provide additional resources for our moms (dads too) but it's a place where moms ask each other questions. They seek insights and suggestions as they walk this journey called motherhood.
Child Development
In 2022, the CDC changed the developmental milestones after 30 years in existence. The new CDC schedule is making it acceptable for children to do things much later than they should. Dr. Hanson's passion for children drove her to make an app for that. The app is called Connect My Brain, available on Apple and Android. This app puts the power of parenthood into your own hands so that you can know what your child should be doing, when.
Private FB Group: Mom's Corner
Access to private podcast
Dr. Hanson's Guide to Developmental Milestone via CMB app
Dr. Hanson's Facts on Wellness
Program Cost
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Meet the instructor
Dr. Laura Hanson
Dr. Laura Hanson, D.C., MS, QEEG-DL, D.I.C.C.P., NDT, BCN, CAS. Dr. Hanson has held faculty positions at both Palmer College and Life University from 2003 until 2012. Dr. Hanson is recognized domestically and internationally through her personal teachings to health care professionals, teachers, and parents on the progression of pediatric development. Dr. Hanson has practiced since 1996 in the area of pediatric development and brain-based patient management. Dr. Hanson is recognized as a world expert in teaching and caring for children with developmental delay.