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Primitive Reflex Integration
Rooting Reflex
Begins: 24-28 weeks in the womb. Inhibits: 3-4 months of life.
Moro Reflex
Begins: 9 weeks in the womb. Inhibits: 2-4 months of life.
Palmar Reflex
Begins: 11 weeks in the womb. Inhibited: 2-3 months of life.
Primitive reflexes (PR) are the foundation to how we as baby humans are wired. PR have a timeline. Once integrated, higher brain functions take over. If PR are retained, a battle exists between the lower and higher brain. This battle may be related to the struggles your child is experiencing.
This is a home program designed to integrate PR. Following a consultation, Dr. Hanson will teach the parent the therapeutic protocols to integrate the necessary reflexes.
This is a home program designed to integrate PR. Following a consultation, Dr. Hanson will teach the parent the therapeutic protocols to integrate the necessary reflexes.
What's included?
Development Milestones
Principles of Development
Primitive Reflexes
Primitive Reflexes
The integration of primitive reflexes is essential for the development of more complex motor skills, cognitive functions, and emotional regulation. Over the 28 years of Dr.Hanson's experience she finds that there are 3 main reflexes. Although there are 26 known reflexes, children show the 3 most common reflexes that pertain to their delayed development.
Continue the Journey
A customized examination is necessary in order to adequately handle the developmental sequence. Please click HERE to obtain our online pediatric evaluation.
Meet your doctor
Dr. Laura Hanson
Dr. Laura Hanson, D.C., MS, QEEG-DL, D.I.C.C.P., NDT, BCN, CAS
Dr. Hanson has held faculty positions at both Palmer College and Life University from 2003 until 2012. Dr. Hanson is recognized domestically and internationally through her personal teachings to health care professionals, teachers, and parents on the progression of pediatric development.
Dr. Hanson has practiced since 1996 in the area of pediatric development and brain-based patient management. Dr. Hanson is recognized as a world expert in teaching and caring for children with developmental delay.
Patrick Jones - Course author